We are a group of individuals and organizations: youth, schools, parents, health care, law enforcement, businesses, media, government, faith organizations, and more. We share the common goal of supporting a thriving and healthy community.
Working Towards a Better Tomorrow
Our Mission
The mission of the Union County Safe Communities Coalition is to work together for a safe, healthy, and drug-free community.
In 2007 the Union County Commission on Children and Families (CCF) seated a Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Committee. Originally it was thought that the Youth Substance Abuse Committee would be advisory to the Union County CCF, however, the Committee became extremely concerned about youth substance abuse issues, and wanted to take a more “hands-on” approach. In May 2010, the Committee convened a strategic planning retreat, the outcomes of which included a change in name from the Union County Youth Substance Abuse Committee, to the Union County Safe Communities Coalition. The Coalition applied for and received a federal Drug Free Communities grant from SAMSHA. The funding for the SAMSHA grant begin in October of 2011. In the year 2020, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention became the new federal agency for the grant.
We see the value in keeping our youth safe and drug free. We want to be a catalyst for positive change in our communities, and since our beginnings, we’ve been driven by the same ideas we initially founded our organization upon working together for a safe, healthy, and drug-free community.
The Coalition is comprised of dedicated people from various backgrounds and roles in the community who are working together on the prevention of youth alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use in Union County. Coalition members represent parents, youth, law enforcement, schools, volunteer organizations, government, media, organizations serving youth, business, faith, and organizations addressing substance abuse.
We are always open to new members, and welcome any community member to our monthly meetings. We currently hold our meetings on the third Tuesday of every month.

Where the Passion Begins